In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
The Muslim Youth Movement Western Cape region (MYM WC) convened its annual Regional Assembly (RA) and regional elections at a sitting in Mitchells Plain, Cape Town on 22nd August 2015. The assembly elected a 7-person Regional Executive Committeeand affirmed its commitment to placing Allah at the centre of its struggles to mobilise the region into radical and constructive action towards social justice.
We realise that South Africa is at a pivotal point in its democracy with young people, particularly, challenging the myth of the rainbow nation through intelligible, organised and defiant anti-patriarchal, pro-Black movements. We realise, too, the need for Muslims in the country and in the Western Cape, particularly, to problematize its positioning in the harsh socio-economic landscape of the country and the province.
The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa (MYM) is also at a critical point of its 42 year existence where it is reframing its ideologies and attempting to understand Islam as it presents a radical idealism that is inspiring for youth and addresses the socio-issues of our time. We believe that the MYM, also, needs to radically challenge the South African Muslim’s problematic proximityto political power and to white capital, which is ever prevalent in the Western Cape.
We will develop robust Islamic and political training programmes across the region, strengthen our existing branches in Mitchells Plain and the University of Cape Town, while continuing to mobilise for the setting up of branches across the province. We will mobilise the region and its various Muslim bodies towards honest engagement with our Islamic identity, theology and idealism. Insha’Allah.
The Regional Executive Committee for the term 2015-2017 consists of the following individuals:
- Chairperson: Minhaj Jeenah
Deputy Chairperson: Ammaarah Arendse
Regional Secretary: Ihsaan Bassier
Deputy Regional Secretary: MishkaSarels
Treasurer: Saif-Ul-IslamGodla
Gender Desk Officer: Leila Khan
Regional Tarbiya Officer: MogamatSaabik Kader
To follow the region’s progress, all enquiries should be directed to the contact details below or follow us on: Twitter: @MYM_WC and Facebook: /MuslimYouthMovementWesternCape
Issued by Muslim Youth Movement of Western Cape
For enquiries: 0724567260 |
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Ramadan Iftaar Programme
The Imam of Happy Valley, Sh. Ebrahim Mavela approached the MYM for assistance as his musjid ran out of food for Iftaar and Suhur during the last few days of Ramadan. The MYM approached Africa Muslims Agency (AMA) for assistance and without hesitation they provided the necessary food requirements to the Happy Valley community.
June 16th Programme
Our June 16th programme was held in Mitchells Plain and was attended by 60 youth from various communities. The Theme for this year’s June 16th programme was ‘Youth & Gender Violence: Youth Taking Responsibility’. We hosted the programme in Mitchells Plain as it is an area with lots of social issues with gender violence being a major challenge in this community.
Heritage Bus Tour
The MYM Western Cape is part of the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative (CTII) and we organise a heritage bus tour every year on heritage day. This tour explore various religions places of worship to promote a spirit of reconciliation, social cohesion and respect for our diversity.
Every year we visit various communities and this year we will be visiting:
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