The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa notes with sadness the preventable and unnecessary loss of life that occurred at the Westgate Mall in Nairobi. We offer our condolences and prayers to the friends and families of those who lost their lives and we wish the injured a speedy recovery. There can be no justification for such indiscriminate killing of people.


We unreservedly condemn such brutal attacks on civilians, allegedly by Al Shabbab militants. Such attacks, not only taint the image of all Muslims, but also make illegitimate whatever grievances the militants may have against the Kenyan government and people. In a global environment of suspicion and mistrust, these attacks serve nothing but to further delay the attainment of global peace and justice.

It is also our hope that these attacks will not be used as a pretext for further intervention in and destabilisation of Africa by the regional and global military and political superpowers.

Thandile Kona


Muslim Youth Movement


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