Press Statement - Passing of Mohammad Morsi

The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa is shocked to learn of the death of Egypt’s democratically elected president, Muhammad Morsi. It is our view that his unjust detention in inhumane conditions and the neglect he was subjected to contributed significantly to the deterioration of his health and ultimately his death.

It is also a sad indictment on the world leaders that they kept quiet in the face of what, for all intents and purposes, was a coup to unseat a democratically elected president from power and his detention for six years, until his death.

Morsi’s overthrow, detention and death delegitimizes the democratic process by sending a message to political players that the military will not respect the will of the Egyptian people. That will open the door to violent conflict as a means to ascend to political office.

The MYM mourns with the people of Egypt and all justice and peace loving people around the world. We call for an independent and thorough investigation of the circumstances surrounding Morsi death.

We also pray that Allah eases the grief of his family at these challenging times and that Allah forgives him his shortcomings.


Thandile Kona

MYM President

084 422 9336


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